Experts and Qualified

Non Destructive Test (NDT)

Non-destructive tests are a series of methods and analyzes carried out on any object with the aim of evaluating the presence of imperfections or determining specific physical and / or chemical properties without altering its state and functionality.
We can carry out the most classic non-destructive tests within our laboratory, but also in field. Our staff includes qualified II and III level technicians in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9712 and SNT-TC -1A.
In close collaboration with the customer, we define NDT procedures with the aim of maximizing the success of the control itself in terms of reliability and effectiveness and optimizing interventions in terms of costs and time.
Traditional non-destructive tests are divided into superficial methods and volumetric methods.


These methods allow to detect surface defects.

Visual Test (VT)

this is certainly the simplest, most intuitive, and immediate method. The operator evaluates compliance and the presence of defects objectively, in relation to certain regulations and acceptability criteria. However, it is the exam that most of all depends on subjective considerations.
For this reason, it requires good experience and knowledge of the manufacturing processes, of the materials characteristics, of the function and type of the product. The operator must have the ability to know how to identify the critical points where damage can occur.
The visual examination is generally carried out when you want to evaluate the surface and dimensional conditions, such as shapes and alignments, of an artifact or plant. The visual inspection is divided into:
Direct: when using the direct vision of the operator’s eye. It can possibly be assisted with magnifying glasses, mirrors, and so on;
Remote: when equipment such as endoscope, boroscope, fiberscope, video endoscope are used that allow inspection in inaccessible places.

Penetrant Test (PT)

Penetrant Test allows to evaluate the presence of defects emerging on the surface. It is a simple, effective and inexpensive method that can be applied to any type of material.

A liquid with high penetrating capabilities is sprayed on the surface of the piece. Through the phenomenon of capillarity, this liquid enters the discontinuity. Excess fluid is removed. Defects are detected by spraying a developer capable of removing the penetrant from the discontinuities and making them visible.

Magnetic Test (MT)

This method is used to detect the presence of defects emerging on the surface or under the skin. This method can only be applied to ferromagnetic materials.

The material is magnetized and covered with magnetic particles sprayed over the surface. The possible presence of a discontinuity causes a perturbation of the magnetic field and a consequent accumulation of these powders in the vicinity of the defect itself.

Since the magnetization of the piece is necessary, this method can only be applied on ferromagnetic materials.


These methods allows instead to dedect defects inside the material.

Traditional Ultrasound (UT)

This method is mainly used for the detection of defect inside the material, in this case we speak about defectoscope or to measure the thickness of the components, in this case we speak about thickness gauge.
Nowadays, ultrasound methods are always more and more numerous and sophisticated. However, all are based on the same principle: using appropriate instrumentation an ultrasound beam is generated, which, interacting with the material within which it propagates, allows the detection, identification and sizing of defects and discontinuities.

Phased Array Ultrasound (UTPA)

This ultrasound technology is relatively novel, developed because of the continuous improvement in information technology and electronics. The ultrasonic control becomes faster and more reliable thanks to the different representation of the signal, more intuitive and immediate.
